Model of one of the first footprints on the moon for Fiske Planetariums celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the moon landing. Based off a model made from a simple photogrametry scan of the boot-print. I used a CNC to create a life-size replica out of foam, spray-paint and gravel.
Started by *attempting to* laser cut the initial blocks out of foam before ultimately cutting the blocks with a hobby knife and using spray adhesive to make a stock block. From this, an Inventables X-Carve roughed out the print before I sanded over all the edges.
A coat of primer ate away at the foam some, but left a granulated texture that actually contributed to the final look. A few more coats of primer, spray adhesive, a sprinkling of gravel and more spray-paint and I had a model of one of the first steps on the Moon!